Saturday, January 5, 2013

Yellowstone Trip 2012

Nate & I took our girls on their first family vacation!  We traveled back to Yellowstone this summer.  We drove through it last year but did not get a change to take it it's vast beauty.  Unfortunalty, I threw out my back the morning we were leaving on our trip.  It was so hard to function when I could not move, but we were still determined to have a good time.  Daddy had a lot of extra work since I couldn't do any lifting what so ever!  The girls had a blast and that is all that matters!
The first two days of our road trip were filled mainly of hard for two little girls!  They did great.  We did try to find places to stop along the way to let them stretch their bones!
On Day #3 we arrived at Yellowstone.  It was very smokey from a forest fire, but we made the best of it.  We got to our campsite and set up!  We started to hike around to see the sites!
Madi and Hannah really liked the waterfalls!  We had many boardwalks to check out and lots of bubbling geysers to see!  Jesse the Cowgirl got to come on vacation with us...she loved checking out the sites with us!
Wyoming dirt was by are the girls favorite!  We rolled and got very very dirty every day!  Smores and Ice Cream were also a big hit!
Of course we had to check out Old Faithful!  Madi thought it was pretty neat!  Poor girl could not understand why she had to wait for it to erupt again and again....

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