Saturday, January 5, 2013

JULY 2012

JULY 2012

Madi & Hannah were great cheerleaders!  They supported their Daddy's Softball Team by playing in the dirt and eating snacks!
We enjoyed warm evenings at the park riding bikes with the girls!  Madi is getting faster and faster every time we go!  She will be ready for a big girl bike in no time!
HAPPY 4th of JULY!
The girls went to the parade while Daddy & Papo went fishing!  Our day was full of silly parade floats, candy and more candy!
After the parade we went to Grammy & Graddy's for a BBQ!  It was great relaxing for the day and enjoying good food and family!
Of course we had to go play at the carnival!  Madi enjoyed her third or forth bag of Cotton Candy and Hannah loved her Carmel Apple!
At the end of July we packed up the car and the camper and headed out to Kansas to visit with Great Grandma Lois!  We had a very bumpy start to our trip blowing out a tire on our old camper... well... Mom and I conspired and we ended up getting a new camper on our way to KS!
We arrived in Burlington, CO (My dad's hometown) and explored the park!  I remember playing here when I was a little girl!  It was great taking my girls back to a part of my childhood!
Our next stop was the Kit Carson County Carousel!  Again a very special moment when I got to share childhood memories with my girls!  They loved the carousel so much we spent over 2 hours there riding over and over... Madi wanted to ride them ALL!
Once we got to Kansas it was filled with lots of time chatting around the table.  Grandma Lois has aged so much but she still had her firey spark!  It was very special to let my girls visit with their Great-Great Grandma!  Four Generations together for a picture!
This is my Great Grandma's Town... Again it was great going back and spending time where I did so many times as a little girl!

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