Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sweet SiStErS!

Have I said how much I LOVE these little girls?!
Madi has been having a hard time in her "Big Girl Bed" so we took her twin bed downstairs and brought her toddler bed back up... This did help!  Thank God... But then Hannah decided that it was time for her BIG GIRL BED!  So we transformed her crib into her Toddler Bed.  My girls are growing up right before our eyes!  They do so good when it is bedtime.... Story time.... drink of water.... Prayers "Dear Jesus, thank you for Mommy & Daddy...Hannah & Madi...." (Melts my heart everynight!!!)... then lights out.

I went back into their room to check on them before we went to bed and this was the sight that I found!  So sweet!  They cuddled up together and crashed out!

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