Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hannah-14 Months

Hannah has changed a lot since last month!  Even more than ever is she into EVERYTHING!  She is climbing on furniture...up on kitchen tables...just down right getting into TROUBLE!

Hannah has found her temper...when you tell her "No"...she throws herself on the floor and starts screaming!  Yikes!

Hannah is starting to mimic what we say...She is talking a lot!  Her new word for the month is "Sissy"...when she wakes up in the morning Madi is the first thing she asks for.  Then she asks for milk...

She has picked up even more signs this month.  She uses Bath, Brush teeth, All Done, Please, and Thank You!  She is enjoying being able to communicate with us!

Hannah has been working on another tooth for the last month...poor girl has been fighting it hard and nothing yet!  Hopefully soon!

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