Sunday, November 20, 2011

Miss You Pappy!

Three years ago today...I lost my Pappy. This man was full of life and love! I spent most of my childhood days playing with my Pappy.  It seems like there wasn't a day that went by that I did not see him.  He has been on my mind a lot lately.  I think on Madisen and how much I wish she could have known her Papa Joe.  She and Pappy would have been best buddies!
Losing my Pappy was one of the hardest thinks that I have had to go through.  Losing a loved one is never easy...but when it is someone you held so dear to your heart it is a million times harder!
I know he is watching down on my family from heaven.  I think at times he whispers into Madi's little ears!  She talks about him like he is still here with us!  As a three year old she is convinced that Pappy lives in Washington...because Washington is beautiful so it must be Heaven...and Pappy is fishing...this precious girl of mine is making today a little bit brighter.
Grandpa fought a long hard battle with Pancreatic Cancer...
I wish he could be here today to love my girls the way he loved me! I miss you you bunches!

Hannah-14 Months

Hannah has changed a lot since last month!  Even more than ever is she into EVERYTHING!  She is climbing on furniture...up on kitchen tables...just down right getting into TROUBLE!

Hannah has found her temper...when you tell her "No"...she throws herself on the floor and starts screaming!  Yikes!

Hannah is starting to mimic what we say...She is talking a lot!  Her new word for the month is "Sissy"...when she wakes up in the morning Madi is the first thing she asks for.  Then she asks for milk...

She has picked up even more signs this month.  She uses Bath, Brush teeth, All Done, Please, and Thank You!  She is enjoying being able to communicate with us!

Hannah has been working on another tooth for the last month...poor girl has been fighting it hard and nothing yet!  Hopefully soon!

Hannah- 13 months

Mommy is running a little behind this month and last!

Hannah's 13th month was pretty busy!  She is getting faster and faster everyday...this little girl loves to RUN!  Hannah is starting to put words together and is starting to use her signs more and more!  Her signs for this month include Milk, Eat & More...She is also starting to say a couple of words.  She says "Yes" very crisply when you ask her a question.  She also says "This" when she is asking for something.
Hannah enjoyed the pumpking patch this year.  She picked out her own pumpkin and had a blast playing in the dirt.  She also enjoyed pumpkin carving this year!

My Pretty Pretty Princesses Madi & Hannah

My sweet girls were Disney Princesses this year for Halloween!  Madisen was Princess Tiana & Hannah was Princess Repunzel (complete with LONG LONG Hair!)
The girls enjoyed the Community Halloween Party as well as our Church's Harvest Fest!  Great time getting all dolled up with my little ladies!
Beautiful Hair Mommy Made
Trick-or-Treating at Grammy & Graddy's
Hannah think Teagan is pretty funny!
Bobbing for Duckies!
Hannah can do it too!
Hannah really enjoyed the games
Cotton Candy Anyone?
Cutie Pie!

HALLOWEEN JAMMIES!  They glow in the dark!  The girls really enjoyed this feature!

Halloween Pumpkin Carving 2011

Madi & Hannah enjoyed carving pumpkins this Halloween.  Madisen had fun "cleaning" her pumpkin out...yes!  She was a mess!  Miss Hannah enjoyed trying to eat the pumpkin seeds and pumpkin guts!  Yuck!  Hannah also enjoyed her "own" pumpkin (Mrs. Potato Head)