Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little Bit of Stretton Home Life

It seems like our summer would be filled with a lot of down time... But we have been SOOOO busy!  We are hardly ever home so when we are we enjoy it!
 Madi and Daddy mowing our lawn
 Cute little Hannah Berry
 Such a Happy Little Girl
 Awww.... I'm tired!
 Enjoying a new nap spot!
 Story Time....Madi's favorite time of day!   But not the Bed Time part....
 Sweet Girl!
 Daddy is exhausted from a long day of playing...
Hannah loves her jumper
 I can feed myself!
 So Happy!
 Singing and Dancing to Veggie Tales....
...With Larry the Cucumber!
Yes... Hannah gets in trouble too!
We love bath time at the Stretton's
Love the hair Hannah!
Silly Daddy...Zonked Out!
Letting GO!
I did it!
Very Fascinated with Madi's Potty!
Silly Girly!

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