Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mardi Gra Princess – Hannah 6 Months & Madisen 2 Years 5 Months

Since Hannah and Madisen have a little bit of Louisiana running through their blood I thought it would be fun to take Mardi Gra themed pictures! Sweet Baby Hannah was a great sport…Madisen on the other hand has too much business! I could not for the life of me get her to sit still! Hope you like them!
She is so precious!
 I love her smile!
 I love this one...
Playing with photoshop!
 Sweet Baby
 ...and for the TODDLER!
 No!  I don't want to take PICTURES!
 The only good one I got! lol!
 I will take pictures upside down!
 NO Mama!
 This is my Princess Screaming...!
 I'm Done!

Mardi Gra 2011

My Sweet Baby Hannah

Where has the time gone? Hannah just turned 6 months old! She is doing so much now I just can't believe she is growing so fast!

Hannah now weighs 15lbs 3 oz and is 25 inches tall! She will be passing her sister up soon!

Miss Hannah has now MASTERED rolling over…and she is working very hard on sitting up all by herself!...and she is working on getting up on her knees!  We will be crawling soon! She just learned how to wave hello…and now she does it all the time without even thinking about it! It is so sweet! Hannah is reaching for things and loves discovering all of her toys. She loves to play with her hands and also she has discovered that her TOES TASTE GREAT! LOL! I have a big girl now…she sleeps in her big girl room with Big Sister Madi…and for the most part sleeps ALL NIGHT! Thank God! J I am so lucky!

Hannah is starting to babble and coo a lot…she also loves to make motor sounds with her lips. I have been blessed with the happiest, sweetest baby that anyone could ask for! She never cries or fusses! God gave me a quiet mellow baby…he knows I have my hands full with Miss Madi! J

Hannah Boo Berry (Madi's nickname for her)…is now eating Baby Foods! We have started all of our fruits and veggies! It has been so much fun going through this stage again. The cute faces that she makes when tasting a new food is sooo cute! And man can this little girl can eat!

Madisen is a GREAT Big Sister! She is so proud of having a baby…and loves her very much. She is constantly asking where Hannah Boo Berry is and if she can help with her Baby Sister… it is very sweet!

Nate and I are so in love with this little girl. She is always full of smiles and deep belly laughs. I could not imagine life without my precious little Angel!

NEW BORN HANNAH JORDYN - September 11, 2010

Hannah Jordyn - 10 Days

Hannah Jordyn – 1 Month Old

Hannah Jordyn – 2 months

Hannah Jordyn - 3 Months

Hannah Jordyn - 4 Months

Hannah Jordyn - 5 Months

Hannah Jordyn - 6 Months

We can't wait to see how she grows and changes! She is such a joy in our lives!