Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Auntie Lexi & Uncle Jason came to visit us from Florida!  Great excuse to get out of the house to play!  We found a great sledding hill and went for it!  Lots of fun playing in the snow all day!
Hannah Berry all bundled up!
Auntie Miranda came to visit us too from Albuquerque!
Poor Papo had the job of carrying all of the sleds up the hill!
Hannah was not too sure of her first sledding experience.  I don't think she liked not being able to move with all of her snow clothes on.
There's a SMILE!
Great picture... Just wish my girls would cooperate and look at Mommy!
"HUP" - Help & Up!
Daddy & Madi on the snowmobile!  Madi had a blast!
Lex & Jacob climbing the tall hill!
Getting ready to go!
Little Curious George (Madi) stuck in the snow!
Hannah was not too sure of walking on it!
But she was ready for the sled!
Here goes Papo & Madi!
Hannah enjoying her ride!
Poor Papo!  So much work!
All worth it!  He loves his girls!
Madi & Daddy!
Lex & Jarred
Hannah trying to "play" in the snow
Mommy & the girls had to get down the hill somehow....
Not working out so well for Hannah
And we made it....all kids still in one piece!
Madi did it all by herself!
Ready to go again!
Ready for lunch!

Had a great day spending quality time with my family!

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