Saturday, April 2, 2011


Nate & I enrolled Madisen in Gymnastics in February!  She absolutely loves it!  This is her chance to run off some energy…trust me she has a TON of it!  J  Madi has learned so much!  She can do summersaults all by herself…it is too cute!  With help she can do the balance beam and the bars.  This class is great for Madisen, it is great social time with little friends and she is getting great coordination and balance!  Gymnastics is a hard core sport… we would be proud to have a little gymnast!
 Madi & Daddy
 Flips and Tumbles!
 I can walk on the balance beam!
Flips on the bars
 I have a friend!
 Baby Balance Beam...all by myself!

 I love to run!
Miss Hannah came with Madi today too!
Gymnastics was set up like a castle today!
 She was giggling and lauging!
 Hi Mama!
 I see Spirit Fingers...LOL!
 How do it get in?
 Rolling around...
 Jump Jump

 I love the rings
 Break Time!

 They play Disney Music at the gym...Madi sings and dances to ALL the songs!
More Swinging...I'm not ready to go home Mama!

1 comment:

  1. Ashli thank you so much for sharing, I love the pictures.

    Love you,
    Grandma Nini
