Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hannah - 9 Months

Miss Hannah got her first tooth while we were on vacation!  She loves to run her tounge along her little tooth!  She is pretty excited!
Hannah has grown and changed so much this month!  I can not believe she is staring to babble and express her opinion... we may have our hands full with this one too!  lol  She is getting into everything these days... if it is out it's fair game....and of course it ends up in her mouth!
She is crawling super fast and attempting to walk!  She is pretty good at walking along the couch and she just started walking by herself pushing her walker!  She is just still afraid to let go!  Almost though!
Dancing and wiggling her butt!
Loves to explore
Hannah is exploring all of her toys and loves to dance and laugh.  Her big sister Madi can get the cutest belly chuckle out of her... it is the cutest thing ever!
She likes "If your happy and you know it clap your hands...." she hops up and down and claps really big!

Hannah has also recently started to sign a little bit!  So exciting!  She is trying to tell us exactly what she needs!  It is so sweet!  Madi likes to help me teach her the signs...she is very patient and sweet with her baby sister!
Come here Mommy!
Trying to sign Play...

Next Stop - HOME!!!

Well It still took two days to get home.... but we made it!  Still saw tons of beautiful America along the way!
At our hotel in Teton Villiage, WY
She loved the Coon!
Grand Tetons!

Yellowstone - Old Faithful

We had to push it through the park to get to Old Faithful before the sunset.  We arrived just in time.  She was scheduled to blow in about 15 minutes.  We caught it at sunset.  It was pretty amazing!
Getting Ready....
There She Goes!
"Mommy... It is going up...up!"

Yellowstone - The Falls

The waterfalls were amazing!  Quote from Madi - "they are GORGEOUS mommy!... just gorgeous!"  She is so sweet!  I loved seeing the look of sheer amazement on her pretty face when she caught her first glimpse!  We had seen a picture in our hotel the day before and I told her that was where we were going.  It made her so excited.  She had so much fun staring at God's Creation!
"It's Gorgeous Mommy!"
Papo Dan & Hannah
Lower Falls
"Oh Wow!"
Family Shot
"That's just Gorgeous...like Hannah is Gorgeous..."
Everyone Smile!
Thanks to the tourist for taking our pic!  :-)
Upper Falls
Papo is a little nervous!
Over the edge at the Upper Falls